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迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aoe1-113迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ioaoe110迴路LISP沒法用,求解 2020-310迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oiu15010迴路LISP沒法用,求解 2020-211迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ia15010迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao10迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Uos15010迴路LISP沒法用,求解 BPl3tjj迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ziao1510
迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aoe15010迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oo-2-110迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Zuoiy_10迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao11迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Iyb_1510迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aoe1-112迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Uos15011迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aoe2da10迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aoe2da11迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aoe10


3 posters


迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Empty 迴路LISP沒法用,求解

發表 由 winnie 2023-08-30, 15:24

各位大大迴路lisp是前同事寫的,但他離職了,載入時沒法使用,求解 愛哭

;====== Default ERROR function ================================
(defun *error* (/msg)
(if (= osflag 1)(setvar "osmode" osbak)(setvar "osmode" 0))
;(command "UCS" "W")
;(command "SNAP" "R" "0,0" 0 "SNAP" "OFF")
;(command "ERASE" "L" "")
(setvar "snapmode" 0)
(setvar "orthomode" oldortho)
;====== Main program ==========================================
(defun ARRLIN1 ()
(menucmd "s=LINEPX")(menucmd "s=ARRSS1")(menucmd "s=*")
(setq arw (* arscale 8.0))
(setq arl (* arscale 24.0))
(setq wid (getvar "plinewid"))

(setq oldortho (getvar "orthomode"))
(setvar "orthomode" 0)
(setq loop "y")
(if (/= (getvar "osmode") 0)(setq osbak (getvar "osmode") osflag 1)(setq osflag 0))

(while (eq loop "y")

;------------------------ getpoint P1 --------------------- start --------
(setq p1 '(-1000.0 -1000.0 0.0))
(while (or (eq (car p1) -1000.0)(eq (cadr p1) -1000.0))

(if (eq osmode1 0)
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(princ "\n抓點模式 OSNAP 設為: <<< NONE >>>")
(princ)(princ "\n ")(princ)
) )
(if (eq osmode1 1)
(setvar "osmode" 512)
(princ "\n抓點模式 OSNAP 設為: <<< NEArest >>>")
(princ)(princ "\n ")(princ)
) )
(if (eq osmode1 2)
(setvar "osmode" 18)
(princ "\n抓點模式 OSNAP 設為: <<< MIDpoint & QUAdrant >>>")
(princ)(princ "\n ")(princ)
) )

(setq p1 (getpoint "\nstart point:"))
(if (or (eq (car p1) -1000.0)(eq (cadr p1) -1000.0))(if (eq osmode1 2)(setq osmode1 0)(if (eq osmode1 1)(setq osmode1 2)(setq osmode1 1))))
;------------------------ getpoint P1 ---------------------- end ---------

(if (eq p1 nil)(setq p1 p3))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(setq p2 (getpoint "2nd point:" p1))
(command "PLINE" P1 "A" "S" P2 PAUSE "L" "W" arw "0" "L" arl "")
(setvar "plinewid" wid)
(setq arha (/ arh 20))

(command "INSERT" ITFORM p1 arha arha "0")
(setq clayer (getvar "clayer"))
(command "EXPLODE" "L" "CHANGE" "P" "" "P" "LA" clayer "")
(if (eq ITFORM "itform1")(command "CHANGE" "L" "" "" "" "" "" "" arn))
(command "MOVE" "P" "" "@" PAUSE)
(command "CHANGE" "L" "" "" "" "" "" "" arn)

(if (eq (substr arn 8 1) "-")(progn (setq arnA (substr arn 1 7))(setq arnB (atoi (substr arn 9)))))
(if (eq (substr arn 7 1) "-")(progn (setq arnA (substr arn 1 6))(setq arnB (atoi (substr arn 8)))))
(if (eq (substr arn 6 1) "-")(progn (setq arnA (substr arn 1 5))(setq arnB (atoi (substr arn 7)))))
(if (eq (substr arn 5 1) "-")(progn (setq arnA (substr arn 1 4))(setq arnB (atoi (substr arn 6)))))
(if (eq (substr arn 4 1) "-")(progn (setq arnA (substr arn 1 3))(setq arnB (atoi (substr arn 5)))))
(if (eq (substr arn 3 1) "-")(progn (setq arnA (substr arn 1 2))(setq arnB (atoi (substr arn 4)))))
(if (eq (substr arn 2 1) "-")(progn (setq arnA (substr arn 1 1))(setq arnB (atoi (substr arn 3)))))

(if (or (eq (substr arn 8 1) "-")(eq (substr arn 7 1) "-")(eq (substr arn 6 1) "-")(eq (substr arn 5 1) "-")(eq (substr arn 4 1) "-")(eq (substr arn 3 1) "-")(eq (substr arn 2 1) "-")(eq (substr arn 1 1) "-")
(eq ITFORM "itform2")(eq ITFORM "itform3")(eq ITFORM "itform4")(eq ITFORM "itform5")(eq ITFORM "itform6")(eq ITFORM "itform7")(eq ITFORM "itform8"))
(menucmd "s=ARRSSNN")
(menucmd "s=*")
(menucmd "s=ARRSSNN1")
(menucmd "s=*")

(princ "\n輸入字串,可用螢幕功能表,或ESC取消字串 <")(princ arn)(princ ">: ")(setq arn1 (getstring t))
(if (eq ITFORM "itform1")
(if (or (eq (substr arn1 1 1) "+")(eq (substr arn1 1 1) "-")) (setq arn (strcat arnA "-" (itoa (+ arnB (atoi arn1))))) (if (and (/= arn1 nil) (/= arn1 ""))(setq arn arn1)))
(if (and (/= arn1 "-6")(/= arn1 "-5")(/= arn1 "-4")(/= arn1 "-3")(/= arn1 "-2")(/= arn1 "-1")(/= arn1 "+1")(/= arn1 "+2")(/= arn1 "+3")(/= arn1 "+4")(/= arn1 "+5")(/= arn1 "+6"))
(setq arn arn1)
(setq arn (itoa (+ (atoi arn) (atoi arn1))))

(command "CHANGE" "L" "" "" "" "" "" "" arn)
(menucmd "s=LINEPX")
(menucmd "s=ARRSS1")
(menucmd "s=*")
(setq p3 p1)

迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ioaoe110 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Zuoiy_10 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 2020-211 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao11 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Iyb_1510
迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao10 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 BPl3tjj.png 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ziao1510 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oo-2-110 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oooa_110

文章總數 : 98
年齡 : 44
來自 : 台北縣
職業 : 工程業
愛好 : 文書
個性 : 溫和
使用年資 : 10年
使用版本 : 2008
經驗值 : 5970
威望值 : 6
注冊日期 : 2009-11-25
2D基礎函授 顧問外掛程式 經典問與答讀者 女 白羊座 猴

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迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Empty 回復: 迴路LISP沒法用,求解

發表 由 larrywu34 2023-08-31, 14:11

很明顯arrlin1並非執行程式,一般都有C: 才能執行。


文章總數 : 24
年齡 : 41
來自 : 高雄
職業 : 製造業
愛好 : 程式
個性 :
使用年資 : 5
使用版本 : 2018
積分 : 1
經驗值 : 1825
威望值 : 18
注冊日期 : 2020-06-24
男 水瓶座 狗

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迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Empty 回復: 迴路LISP沒法用,求解

發表 由 winnie 2024-04-19, 00:23


迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ioaoe110 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Zuoiy_10 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 2020-211 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao11 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Iyb_1510
迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao10 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 BPl3tjj.png 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ziao1510 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oo-2-110 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oooa_110

文章總數 : 98
年齡 : 44
來自 : 台北縣
職業 : 工程業
愛好 : 文書
個性 : 溫和
使用年資 : 10年
使用版本 : 2008
經驗值 : 5970
威望值 : 6
注冊日期 : 2009-11-25
2D基礎函授 顧問外掛程式 經典問與答讀者 女 白羊座 猴

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迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Empty 回復: 迴路LISP沒法用,求解

發表 由 shenhung 2024-04-25, 00:09

winnie 寫到:謝謝


現在用營幕功能表的真的不多了. 以前DOS版用比較多..R14之後大多視窗化了.

迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ioaoe110 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Zuoiy_10 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 2020-211 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao11 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Iyb_1510
迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao10 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 BPl3tjj.png 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ziao1510 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oo-2-110 迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oooa_110

文章總數 : 281
年齡 : 58
來自 : 新北市
職業 : 塑膠模具設計.AUTOLISP
愛好 : 音樂
個性 : 隨和
使用年資 : 18年
使用版本 : 2010
積分 : 15
經驗值 : 8127
威望值 : 1188
注冊日期 : 2009-06-03
男 摩羯座 馬

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迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aoe1-113迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ioaoe110迴路LISP沒法用,求解 2020-310迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Oiu15010迴路LISP沒法用,求解 2020-211迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ia15010迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Aizyao10迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Uos15010迴路LISP沒法用,求解 BPl3tjj迴路LISP沒法用,求解 Ziao1510
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