3 posters
(defun c:ii ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq point_ss (ssget '((0 . "point"))))
(setq i 0)
(sslength point_ss)
(setq en(ssname point_ss i))
(setq a1(entget en))
(setq a2(cdr(assoc 10 a1)))
(setq x1(polar a2 pi 2.5))
(setq x2(polar x1 0 5))
(setq y1(polar a2 (* pi 1.5) 2.5))
(setq y2(polar y1 (* pi 0.5) 5))
(command "line" x1 x2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "")
(command "line" y1 y2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "circle" a2 2.5)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "point" a2)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "4" "la" "0" "")
(setq i (1+ i))
(command "erase" point_ss "")
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq point_ss (ssget '((0 . "point"))))
(setq i 0)
(sslength point_ss)
(setq en(ssname point_ss i))
(setq a1(entget en))
(setq a2(cdr(assoc 10 a1)))
(setq x1(polar a2 pi 2.5))
(setq x2(polar x1 0 5))
(setq y1(polar a2 (* pi 1.5) 2.5))
(setq y2(polar y1 (* pi 0.5) 5))
(command "line" x1 x2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "")
(command "line" y1 y2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "circle" a2 2.5)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "point" a2)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "4" "la" "0" "")
(setq i (1+ i))
(command "erase" point_ss "")
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
hoodpinrh0829- 一般會員
- 文章總數 : 76
年齡 : 42
來自 : 桃園
職業 : 板金
愛好 : 到處走走
個性 : 內向
使用年資 : 5年以上
使用版本 : 2019
經驗值 : 4416
威望值 : 0
注冊日期 : 2014-02-27
回復: 到底哪裡不對勁
hoodpinrh0829 寫到:(defun c:ii ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq point_ss (ssget '((0 . "point"))))
(setq i 0)
(sslength point_ss)
(setq en(ssname point_ss i))
(setq a1(entget en))
(setq a2(cdr(assoc 10 a1)))
(setq x1(polar a2 pi 2.5))
(setq x2(polar x1 0 5))
(setq y1(polar a2 (* pi 1.5) 2.5))
(setq y2(polar y1 (* pi 0.5) 5))
(command "line" x1 x2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "")
(command "line" y1 y2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "circle" a2 2.5)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "point" a2)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "4" "la" "0" "")
(setq i (1+ i))
(command "erase" point_ss "")
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
使用command +內建指令創建物件常出現錯誤是忽略鎖點處理
naruto018- 中級會員
- 文章總數 : 226
年齡 : 33
來自 : 高雄
職業 : 學習中(CAD,Revit,Excel VBA)
愛好 : 當個懶熊
個性 : 內向
使用年資 : 新手
使用版本 : 2015
AutoCAD基礎篇等級 : 10星級
積分 : 5
經驗值 : 4593
威望值 : 564
注冊日期 : 2016-11-29
回復: 到底哪裡不對勁
感謝指導naruto018 寫到:hoodpinrh0829 寫到:(defun c:ii ()
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq point_ss (ssget '((0 . "point"))))
(setq i 0)
(sslength point_ss)
(setq en(ssname point_ss i))
(setq a1(entget en))
(setq a2(cdr(assoc 10 a1)))
(setq x1(polar a2 pi 2.5))
(setq x2(polar x1 0 5))
(setq y1(polar a2 (* pi 1.5) 2.5))
(setq y2(polar y1 (* pi 0.5) 5))
(command "line" x1 x2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "")
(command "line" y1 y2 "")
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "circle" a2 2.5)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "2" "la" "0" "")
(command "point" a2)
(command "chprop" "l" "" "c" "4" "la" "0" "")
(setq i (1+ i))
(command "erase" point_ss "")
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
使用command +內建指令創建物件常出現錯誤是忽略鎖點處理
hoodpinrh0829- 一般會員
- 文章總數 : 76
年齡 : 42
來自 : 桃園
職業 : 板金
愛好 : 到處走走
個性 : 內向
使用年資 : 5年以上
使用版本 : 2019
經驗值 : 4416
威望值 : 0
注冊日期 : 2014-02-27
回復: 到底哪裡不對勁
- 代碼:
(SETVAR "OSNAPCOORD" 1);;;以鍵盤輸入取代物件鎖點設定值
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